5 Ways to Regrow Your Hair
5 things you can do to regrow your hair now!
Have you ever stared at your hair in frustration, wishing you could just make it grow longer and fuller? Or maybe you’ve started to notice thinning edges or even bald patches. It’s hard enough keeping our natural hair healthy as is, but when it starts to thin and fall out it’s very upsetting. Don't worry, there are things you can do to encourage hair growth and restore your hair back to its healthiest state!
Here are five things you can do to regrow your hair:
- Start taking Hair Goal Gummies! They will give you the internal nutrients for stronger healthier hair that doesn’t break off. You’ll see improvements within 30 days.
- Exercise first thing in the morning to get your blood flowing. Remember blood flow stimulates growth.
- Massage your scalp at least 3 times a week using a plant based oil that contains Rosemary Oil and Castor Oil, bonus if it has sulfur. Our Flower Bomb Rapid Rejuvination Oil is the perfect oil and has everything your need to boost your growth.
- Eat foods that promote growth like Protein, Veggies, Fruit and Grains that have Vitamin A, B6, B7, B12, C, D, and E. Foods like spinach, broccoli, peanut butter, avocado and bananas. Try a scoop of flax seeds or chia seeds in a smoothie with spinach, bananas and berries. So Yummy!
- Dry hair = breakage. Keep your hair moisturized using Knotty Nectar Leave-In Conditioner and seal in hydration with the Sweet Cream Moisturizer. Loose curly wavy textures can skip the cream and use an oil to lock in moisture.
All of these are total game changers for your hair but, the most important thing is consistently. Stick with these 5 tasks consistently and you’ll start to notice changes in your hair in the first week. Keep it up for 1 month and the results will blow you away.
Have you tried any of these techniques? What’s worked best for you?