How to Increase Moisture in Low Porosity Hair

For many black women, the texture of our natural curls are low porosity. This means that our hair has trouble holding moisture and it can lead to dryness and breakage. But there is a way around this for all three types of hair textures! Here's how you can increase hydration in your
1. Wash your hair with warm water
To properly maintain the health of your tresses, wash your hair once every 7 to 14 days. Refrain from using hot water because it can dry out your curls causing frizz. Contrary to popular belief don’t end with a cold water rinse. Cold water closes your cuticles before you add your moisturizing products (i.e. conditioner, deep conditioner, leave-in conditioner, hair butter or moisturizer), preventing your hair from absorbing the moisture. When you close your cuticles too soon products will sit on your strands instead of being absorbed. Use warm water from start to finish and allow your cuticles to open and close naturally.
2. Deep condition with heat
You want your cuticles to be open and able to absorb the moisture and protein when you deep condition. To get the best deep condition, create a mini sauna by putting a plastic bag on your hair for 30 minutes to ensure your cuticles are open and able to receive all the deep conditioning benefits. Rinse off your deep conditioner with warm water and follow up with a leave-in conditioner. The moisturizer from the leave-in and any other products you use will also penetrate into your strands because your cuticles are still open. The Knotty Nectar Leave-In is a great conditioning spray that has Aloe Vera Juice in it which naturally closes your cuticles.
3. Use a clay wash
Clay washes are amazing for low porosity hair. A good clay wash cleans without drying your hair out, add moisture and it’s all natural. Our Dirty Curl Clay Wash has both Bentonite Clay and Rhassoul Clay. Bentonite detoxifies your hair removing all product build up and dirt and Rhassoul is a gentle cleanser plus conditioner. Together they give you clean, soft, moisturized, and super defined curls.
The best part is you can implement all three of these tips if you wash your hair every 7-10 days with the Dirty Curl Clay Wash. It washes, moisturizes, conditions, and deep conditions in 1 step making your wash day fast and easy to do.
Do you have low porosity hair? What are you doing to keep your curls hydrated?