The Break Up
Breaking up is so hard to do but so necessary. As we get closer to February (the month of love) we want to help you break up with negative people that do not add value to the person you are and the love you have for yourself, your hair, and your natural beauty. Next time someone or something negative finds it's way into your life, just send them the break up letter.
What is Oil Rinsing?
Oil rinsing is a technique used to add moisture, reduce tangling, and increase softness to your curls. It's accomplished by adding an extra step to your wash routine usually between the shampoo and conditioning steps.
The word afro has taken on a whole new meaning. An afro can be totally frizzed out or big and curly. Here are 3 tips to achieve the perfect curly fro.
Costume Ideas For Natural Hair
Halloween is right around the corner and we've got the best costume ideas to showcase your natural hair.
Natural Hair Unity
Freedom is a constant theme in the natural hair community. So many people have fou...