Simple Solutions to Stop Shrinkage In Natural Hair
Hands down one of the most frustrating battles naturals have with their hair is shrinkage. No matter how long your hair is, it always seems to magically shorten up when it dries. You take out the time to twist, define and ensure every curl is in place only for it to shrivel towards your scalp hiding all the length you’re worked so hard for.

How to Take Care of Your Hair Under a Wig
Are you using weaves or wigs as a protective style method to grow your hair? If so you may find that these methods are doing more harm than good. Despite this popular trend the techniques used to install these styles can damage your hair and have the opposite effect. The next time you wear these styles use these easy tips to prevent damage and keep your hair safe from breakage.

5 Signs You're In A Toxic Relationship with Your Hair & How To Fix It
When you're in a toxic relationship with your hair, you notice it's dry, brittle, breaking. It can be hella frustrating. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed like you hate your hair. It’s time to leave everything toxic and get into a healthy & loving relationship with your hair. Here's what to do for the red flags

Postpartum Shedding
Postpartum shedding is a natural phenomenon that women go through after giving birth. The decrease in pregnancy hormones causes a sudden reduction of nutrients in your body. The remaining nutrients are delivered to your essential organs like the heart, lungs and for milk production for nursing mothers. Your hair, skin and nails get any nutrients that are left over and haven’t been distributed to your vital organs. In order to ensure your hair, skin and nails aren’t neglected add these things to your daily routine: